Toleza Farm, Malawi

Introduction to the Community

The farm is located in one of the poorest areas in Malawi. As this section shows, we play a small part in the process of bringing hope, confidence and self-reliance to our community. There is so much more that can be done for which we have neither the resources nor the capacity. We welcome partners, colleagues and cooperation initiatives in these goals. The opportunities available vary from a formal volunteer programme targeted at university undergraduates, to partnerships with businesses and educational institutions. Through these programmes we are delivering a range of community projects which include but are not limited to building of class rooms, replenishing local woodlands and teaching entrepreneurial skills all of which provide a significant positive benefit to the communities surrounding Toleza. View our photostream of Toleza community.

The many activities are financed through a fund to which contributions are made by the farm and other interested parties. Each contribution is specific to a particular activity or object and 100% of that contribution will be spent on the activity or object without any administrative or handling charge. Click here to learn more about the opportunities currently available and to donate.